viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

 Why I'm Studying...

I'm study Art History in The Chile University.  I decided study this course when I was 18 years old.
I choosed this course because I like the art since childhood. I remember that the first time I visited Bellas Artes museum It was a exhibition Roberto Matta paints. I was 10 years old.  I felt surprised when I looked "Ojo con los desarrolladores..." by Matta.  Since my 10 years old that interesting the styles sculpture, paints, etching and perfomance.
My experience with the art  is  very important in my life. Because, in my decision influenced my visited to different museum of Santiago and others city. I felt enjoyment when looked the colours and shapes.
I like about the subject is the possibility of write about the  Artwork, artist and investigate about the aesthetic. However, I dislike about the subject is the shortage of work and few art journal that publish research article.
I intend to do graduate  at 2015. I should write myn thesis of Art History to I graduate. My thesis is about the performance by Gustavo Solar and others artists chileans of  The Fractal.
I think that the Art History is very important to culture and development  knowledge.


miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Something you are reading 

At the moment I am reading a book entitled “Homo sacer. El poder soberano y la nuda vida I” published in 1998. This book is written by the European intellectual Giorgio Agamben. This Italian philosopher is a very important intellectual of the second half of the twentieth century and twenty one century.  His books are critical analyses about “Biopolitics” (the relation between political power and individual life) and global socio-political issues in general.

This important book is part of the readings of the course “Work and materiality”. This course belongs to the undergraduate Programme of History of the Art at the University of Chile. Since March of 2014 I am working as academic assistant of a Literature Professor who teaches this course. My job is to explain and discuss this Agamben's book with the students of the course. I also have to give them help with the final assessment of the course: they have to write an essay on any topic of this book they could find interesting.

The book is very complex and interesting. It mentions a number of philosophers and analyses their fundamental ideas to understand the meaning and dynamics of biopolitics in the twentieth century. The book explains how human life can lose its value. Moreover, the author analyses how people can become to think that some human beings can be exterminated by reasons like race, different ideology or religion and gives some historical examples like the Jewish Holocaust and the Nazi doctrine.

Reading this book is really entertaining for me because I love philosophy and social sciences and also love teaching to young university students.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

A Special Talent 

I think that don’t have a special talent in my life. I like cook different foods and very complicated in prepared and made puppet to gift a friends or family members. I think that the human can learn diversity activities and expression, for example, paint, sculpture, modern dance, song and others expression. Children, young or adult that participate in a workshop can develop a talent. The education that receives the persons is very important that develop different ways to expression sentiments or interest.

I learned to make puppets looking at my brother. He makes puppets of different materials, shapes and sizes. He learned looking a puppeteer that lived near my home twenty years ago. The puppets that more I like are shadow play. My first experience with shadow play was seven years ago. I make shadow play with my friends. The performed puppet was name “The Poblete Family”. It was about story of a Chilean family that lived a difficult economic situation. However the performed puppet was funny and entertaining. It was a nice experience in my life. Because, I can make with my hands the puppets shade that used in the show. I haven’t returned to do puppets of shade.  

A Group Activity 

I was in different groups activities when little girl, for example, boy scouts, rhythmic gymnastics, dance, singing and paint shop.  The group activity that I liked was rhythmic gymnastics. I had 7 years when participate in this group. I was practising once a week, every Saturday in the morning for two years. I remember that I was in the primary school. I was in rhythmic gymnastics with Claudia, Karina and Carolina classmates. For two years I practiced rhythmic gymnastics sport. In December month the Regina Pacis School invited the students, fathers, mothers, families, teachers and neighbourhood a rhythmic gymnastics presentation. I was always feeling embarrassment of confuse in choreographies.

In my childhood was very important practice and participate in the rhythmic gymnastics group of the school. Because, I enjoyed playing with ball, ribbon, rope and hooping Olympic. I liked the choreographies and the music of the presentations. I was very happy in this group.

It was an important experience in my childhood. I would like practice rhythmic gymnastics for more years but my parents change me of school and I didn’t return to practice rhythmic gymnastics in my life.  However, even today I have flexibility body thanks this sports activity.


jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Fiestas Patrias

I always celebrated  Fiestas Patrias with my family. My mother cooks empanadas of beef and cheese and  the typical food cazuela.  The last year in 2013, I was living in Buenos Aires city, Argentina and I couldn’t celebrate with my mother and father. I celebrated with Macarena and Nicolas, Damari’s friends. They are Chilean!
We cooked Sopaipillas and empanadas of cheese and drank Terremoto the typical Chilean drink made white wine, ice cream and granadina.   The best Fiestas Patrias I remember was  10 years ago. My father cooked barbecue and my mother cooked delicious empanadas for everyone. The celebrate was good because, the meal was delicious and abundant. All my family father’s and my mother’s house.  My brother Miguel Angel and Alex play traditional music for has. Miguel Angel played guitar and Alex sang cuecas and tonadas. We danced not only cuecas because in Chile cumbia has became very popular. I think that typical activities are very important in the chilean culture. I like the typical Chilean activities very much.  Specially I like to play Trompo. However, I don’t like rodeo. It is a brutal activity because mistreat and kill indefens animals. I think the rodeo in Fiestas Patrias is immoral and cruel activity. Every year are people protesting against tortured animals.    

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

A Teacher

I studied in Regina Pacis School twelve years ago. This is a catholic private school. It is in the Aguilucho Street in Providencia district. My school had good teachers in general. I always remember a teacher of primary school. His name was Gonzalo Ramos; he was approximately 30 years old. Mister Ramos studied in The Catholic University of Chile. His subject was Spanish language and literature. He worked since 1989 in the school. He was my teacher since 1993 until 1996.   
I had learning difficulties in the Spanish language class and the teacher Gonzalo helped me to improve my classroom performance. He used different learning methodologies with my classmates, for example, he applied differentiated assessment and separated the class into groups of six children. His techniques improved the academic performance of the class. In three months I improved my mark in the Spanish language class and he motivated me to study and learn every day. 
I liked that my teacher was nice and dynamic person. He played the guitar and sang in the different school activities. His class was entertaining. My teacher always motivated his students to learn. I always remember Mister Ramos. He was the best teacher of my childhood. 


jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

A Family Meal

I remember a family meal of two years ago. The reason of the meal was the happy birthday of my mother. She was celebrating her sixty five years old!

All my family was there: Claudio, my father, Nataly, my sister, Miguel, my brother, Alex, my brother, my aunts, my cousins of Valdivia and some friends of my mother.  I remember the meal was delicious!

We ate Pullmay! The Pullmay is a typical food of the south of Chile.  The chef, my brother Alex, bought the seafood, potatoes, chicken and pork. It cooked in a large pot with white wine. It is a very delicious plate!

My mother is native from the south of Chile in Valdivia city. She likes this food very much. for this reason my brother cooked  Pullmay in her birthday.

After five hours of boiling the Pullmay was ready. We all sit down in a long table in the diner room of my parents’ house and enjoy together the food. When we stopped ate, we sang happy birthday with a delicious cake. My mother likes the cake of eggplant. The celebration was beautiful and a friendly family party!

My mother currently resides in the Valdivia City with my father. 

Winter Break

In my winter break I wanted to go to the beach, but I had too much job in the ONG. I stayed in Santiago city.
I walked every night and went different restaurant of Santiago city with my friends Sergio. He is eating different kind of food! My favourite meal is Chinese food. We went the Chinos Ricos restaurant of the Brazil square, Lung Tun restaurant of Irarrazaval Street and Chinese restaurant of Merced Street. It are very good restaurants. Because the attention is quick and good, the meal is delicious, varied and cheap.
We ate white rice, chicken with mushrooms, garlic chicken, Chaumin, Mongolian beef, Chapsui of vegetables, desser and coffe. I drank little red wine, pisco sour and much water. We after of eat walked through of streets the Yungay neighbourhood, Ñuñoa and Providencia district every nights.  I like eat in restaurants and walk in the city!

I enjoyed of walked night with Sergio. Because I relax of my job, I did not think about anything especially, only enjoyment of walking silently and serenity after a long day at work. Is very important have a time of enjoying the life. Because, is healthy to have a good quality of life!