jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

A Group Activity 

I was in different groups activities when little girl, for example, boy scouts, rhythmic gymnastics, dance, singing and paint shop.  The group activity that I liked was rhythmic gymnastics. I had 7 years when participate in this group. I was practising once a week, every Saturday in the morning for two years. I remember that I was in the primary school. I was in rhythmic gymnastics with Claudia, Karina and Carolina classmates. For two years I practiced rhythmic gymnastics sport. In December month the Regina Pacis School invited the students, fathers, mothers, families, teachers and neighbourhood a rhythmic gymnastics presentation. I was always feeling embarrassment of confuse in choreographies.

In my childhood was very important practice and participate in the rhythmic gymnastics group of the school. Because, I enjoyed playing with ball, ribbon, rope and hooping Olympic. I liked the choreographies and the music of the presentations. I was very happy in this group.

It was an important experience in my childhood. I would like practice rhythmic gymnastics for more years but my parents change me of school and I didn’t return to practice rhythmic gymnastics in my life.  However, even today I have flexibility body thanks this sports activity.


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