jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

A Special Talent 

I think that don’t have a special talent in my life. I like cook different foods and very complicated in prepared and made puppet to gift a friends or family members. I think that the human can learn diversity activities and expression, for example, paint, sculpture, modern dance, song and others expression. Children, young or adult that participate in a workshop can develop a talent. The education that receives the persons is very important that develop different ways to expression sentiments or interest.

I learned to make puppets looking at my brother. He makes puppets of different materials, shapes and sizes. He learned looking a puppeteer that lived near my home twenty years ago. The puppets that more I like are shadow play. My first experience with shadow play was seven years ago. I make shadow play with my friends. The performed puppet was name “The Poblete Family”. It was about story of a Chilean family that lived a difficult economic situation. However the performed puppet was funny and entertaining. It was a nice experience in my life. Because, I can make with my hands the puppets shade that used in the show. I haven’t returned to do puppets of shade.  

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